Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Self is my Samaria

 Food for Thought:  John 4: 1-30---the Woman at the Well

So, it started with a reflection about my bondage to a pre-existing condition.
It's inescapable, really, isn't it?
We are born with this loud, undisciplined Self, and before we can even think, we are hearing its voice, dancing to its tune, not even thinking to ask whether its desires are valid or not.
As I was praying this morning about this conditon, I found myself looking through layers of understanding------there are needs and concerns that present themselves every day, and I find that spending a morning hour with my Father, talking them over, helps me pierce through to the meat of the matter.
On this blog, I am addressing my attitudes about how I receive nourishment, so that's one of the concerns that gets covered as we have our morning session.  Here's what came out on paper this morning:
Father God, my native language is  SELF.
Self-talk comes out of me by default.
Self-protection is a reflex.  Self-pity, self-absorption, self-obsession all came with the original equipment.
Just acknowledging it is evidence of You at work in me to penetrate that condition.
Left to myself, I would not know how to reverse this common curse of mankind.
But You are holy, Lord, and You have chosen me to be holy and blameless in Christ.
Accepting that gift is a profound wonder and a mystery..
I am still in this dying tent-----but inside me is an eternal hope.
It is from this sanctuary that I write----a different Sue lives here, a transformed, trusting, soft and receptive soul, plump with gratitude,  lubricated with joy, supremely well-fed by a Maker with a mind-blowing master plan.
As I head into my day full of earthy concerns, remind me to return here for refreshment.
Living Water.
Self is my Samaria, but you are my Living Water.
I believe, Lord; help thou my unbelief!

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